Push/Pull: A Cultural Exchange in Cuba
By Mary Mattingly
June 26, 2015
For the past eight years, I've focused on co-creating sculptures that address public food, energy production and cyclical water use. These works have almost entirely been created for people in the United States. My most recent sculpture, Pull, was created through a cultural exchange led by the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de la Habana and the Bronx Museum of the Arts as a collective effort alongside the 12th Bienal de La Habana, titled "Between the Idea and the Experience." The artwork consists of two mobile, inhabitable spheres that contain living ecosystems. One of the spheres of Pull currently functions as a temporary autonomous zone in Havana's Parque Central, while the other half is stationed inside the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes as part of exhibition "Wild Noise" (through Aug. 16). Continue reading the article here.