Susan Rankaitis
14 pages
Susan Rankaitis completed her Limbicwork series in 2005 at Europas Parkas, the Outdoor Museum of Central Europe in Vilnius, Lithuania. Suspended in the dense forest, long arcs and loops of bright plastic tubing represent the components of the limbic system, part of the brain which influences the formation of memory by connecting emotion to physical sensation. By choosing the Vilnius site, Rankaitis also references the persecution of the Lithuanian people by both the Nazis and the Russian Army. Of Lithuanian descent herself, Rankaitis felt a kinship both to the landscape and to the group of young artists with whom she worked to complete the series. The resulting photographs—ranging from mural-sized prints to images no larger than a postcard—are the end product of the Limbicwork installation.
Related Exhibition
Susan Rankaitis: Limbicwork
February 15 — March 24, 2007